Bridge Mainnet ETH to Linea USDC.e

Bridge Mainnet ETH to Linea USDC.e
Bridge Mainnet ETH to Linea and Swap to USDC.e

Shortcut Description
This Shortcut allow a user to send ETH from Mainnet to Linea and swap to USDC.e.
USDC.e is used in many dapps like ZeroLend, Mendi as a supply token as well as many other DeFi apps. This shortcut will allow users to quickly send ETH from mainnet and get USDC.e on Linea.

Traditional approach:

  1. User goes to a bridge like or Third party bridge like Rhino, Orbiter,etc.
  2. Send Eth to Linea through Bridge and pays bridge fees + ETH gas fees.
  3. Swaps ETH to USDC on Linea and pays gas fees on Linea.

ENS Shortcut

  1. User sends mainnet ETH to usdc.bridgetolinea.eth

I think this is a complexity of 1 and should have a .1% fee

Creator: Arnab
Wallet: 0xF138984Bd659edd8DE38fb2FebEdae8bED5E0255