ETH to BTC Shortcut

Hi everyone

Normally in last 6 7 months im using Ordinals and Brc20 and i have to normally bridge the earnings here and between, I was wondered if we can have some shortcut to that.
The more we get into 2024 , ett , bullrun an upcoming events the hotter this will be.

I’m open to discuss it with you and know your thoughts on it


This is a really good Shortcut idea, we’ve discussed this internally before and are looking for a solution to enable Shortcuts on BRC20.


Great to have a reaction on this one .

I think both brc-20 and ordinal trading is important.

Unisat is imprtant for brc-20 traders.
Ordinals wallet and Magic eden is important for the Ordinals traders.

I don’t know what kind of solution we can bring up to the table but we have to provide something. We have to find a way for taproot transfer.