Bridge SOL to STX, use STX to buy WELSH

Post Title

Bridge SOL to STX, use STX to buy WELSH

Shortcut Description

This shortcut would enable users to seamlessly purchase the $welsh token on the $stacks network. Currently this is a lengthy and arduous process.

Which community it serves: Stacks, Solana, Bitcoin

Flow chart of description of actions the
shortcuts does: Sol is bridged to Stx using RocketX.

Link: Swap Smart & Save More With RocketX - The Best Crypto Exchange Platform

There would need to be some way of entering a receiving wallet address for the Stx in the shortcut. Once the stx is received, it would be used to purchase Welsh on Alex Lab.


Ideally the slippage would be preset to 30% and the tx fee set to 5 for this swap, as volatility is high and these settings generally work the best.

Shortcut Complexity Score (1-3): 10

Proposed fee: .1%
Collaborating creators: Me for now, possibly others.

Twitter @detectivemoons

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For more clarity on the flow, please refer to this tweet: