Comprehensive List of Shortcut Swap Pairs on SushiSwap v2

Shortcut Description:
Our Shortcut system offers a diverse range of token swap pairs, making the process of swapping cryptocurrencies simple and efficient. Ideal for crypto enthusiasts, traders, and DeFi users, these shortcuts are designed to facilitate various DeFi activities and portfolio management with ease.

User Actions:

  1. Choose the desired Shortcut swap pair.
  2. Send the cryptocurrency to the Shortcut’s address.
  3. The Shortcut performs the swap at the optimal rate.
  4. Receive the swapped cryptocurrency.

Complexity Level: 2
Proposed Fee: 0.2% per transaction

Collaborating Creators:

  • Dave: nycmobile.eth
    (I’d like to give these away once approved to the first 25 community members who attended your first Twitter Space! So each pair will have a different wallet address!)

Available Shortcut Swap Pairs on SushiSwap v2:

  1. ilv4eth.eth / eth4ilv.eth - Swap $ILV for $ETH and $ETH for $ILV
  2. usdc4eth.eth / eth4usdc.eth - Swap $USDC for $ETH and $ETH for $USDC
  3. usdt4eth.eth / eth4usdt.eth - Swap $USDT for $ETH and $ETH for $USDT
  4. magic4eth.eth / eth4magic.eth - Swap $MAGIC for $ETH and $ETH for $MAGIC
  5. sushi4eth.eth / eth4sushi.eth - Swap $SUSHI for $ETH and $ETH for $SUSHI
  6. btc4eth.eth / eth4btc.eth - Swap $BTC for $ETH and $ETH for $BTC
  7. link4eth.eth / eth4link.eth - Swap $LINK for $ETH and $ETH for $LINK
  8. aave4eth.eth / eth4aave.eth - Swap $AAVE for $ETH and $ETH for $AAVE
  9. uni4eth.eth / eth4uni.eth - Swap $UNI for $ETH and $ETH for $UNI
  10. matic4eth.eth / eth4matic.eth - Swap $MATIC for $ETH and $ETH for $MATIC
  11. comp4eth.eth / eth4comp.eth - Swap $COMP for $ETH and $ETH for $COMP
  12. snx4eth.eth / eth4snx.eth - Swap $SNX for $ETH and $ETH for $SNX
  13. yfi4eth.eth / eth4yfi.eth - Swap $YFI for $ETH and $ETH for $YFI
  14. zrx4eth.eth / eth4zrx.eth - Swap $ZRX for $ETH and $ETH for $ZRX
  15. bat4eth.eth / eth4bat.eth - Swap $BAT for $ETH and $ETH for $BAT
  16. crv4eth.eth / eth4crv.eth - Swap $CRV for $ETH and $ETH for $CRV
  17. algo4eth.eth / eth4algo.eth - Swap $ALGO for $ETH and $ETH for $ALGO
  18. ftm4eth.eth / eth4ftm.eth - Swap $FTM for $ETH and $ETH for $FTM
  19. sol4eth.eth / eth4sol.eth - Swap $SOL for $ETH and $ETH for $SOL
  20. avax4eth.eth / eth4avax.eth - Swap $AVAX for $ETH and $ETH for $AVAX
  21. dot4eth.eth / eth4dot.eth - Swap $DOT for $ETH and $ETH for $DOT
  22. ada4eth.eth / eth4ada.eth - Swap $ADA for $ETH and $ETH for $ADA
  23. xrp4eth.eth / eth4xrp.eth - Swap $XRP for $ETH and $ETH for $XRP
  24. doge4eth.eth / eth4doge.eth - Swap $DOGE for $ETH and $ETH for $DOGE
  25. ltc4eth.eth / eth4ltc.eth - Swap $LTC for $ETH and $ETH for $LTC

@dcbk2la thank you once again for a very detailed post. What are the top 5 pairs you would like to see implemented?


I’d say the top 5 pairs would be the following:



@dcbk2la gotcha will keep you updated on these. Currently we are wrapping up Across shortcuts and Blast shortcuts should be done soon as well. What do you think of our naming structure. e.g. onArbitrum.eth or for swaps it would be ETHtoUSDC.eth
FYI we recently had etherscan name our ens smart contracts, nice to see transaction streams on etherscan become more understandable with our names for each intent. So we want to keep this simple and consistent. Would love everyones thoughts :pray:


Sorry one last pair Nodar: $OMI/$ETH (thank you)

As for the naming convention, I’m partial to the numbers when it comes to swaps as I feel it makes it easier to remember so it would be usdc4eth.eth or eth4usdt.eth. Hope that helps!


The ideas keep on flowing, we’re reviewing everything and starting to create a more efficient process of getting Shortcuts out, stay tuned!