Bridge to Public Goods Network (PGN)

Shortcut Description
This Shortcut allows a user to send ETH from Mainnet to Public Goods Network (PGN) in order to easily contribute to Gitcoin rounds.

PGN bridge fees were a constant source of complaints for recent GG19 donors and a Shortcut would have made this process easier and less expensive.

User actions
Typical flow for bridging to PGN:

  • visit
  • connect wallet
  • add PGN network
  • input ETH amount to bridge
  • click Deposit
  • confirm transaction

Proposed flow for Shortcut:

  • send ETH to bridge.toPGN.eth, toPGN.eth, onPGN.eth, or similar
  • receive ETH on Public Goods Network (PGN)

Complexity and proposed fee:
Complexity: 2
Proposed fee: 0.2%

The above numbers are based on the example proposal, but I am open to suggestions.

Creator info:
I worked on this proposal with Brileigh, here are our public addresses:
matthewb.eth: 0x334d080349dA9CFa602442968483B761defA5bF7
brileigh.eth: 0xFda746F4C3f9F5A02b3E63ed6d0eBBc002d1f788



We love this idea and think it can be implemented rather quickly. We’re getting to it Shortly!

Is there a community or a few people you think this would be valuable to and perhaps whom we can share once we are done?

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Awesome idea, this drastically improves the onboarding process for PGN network imo.

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